Date and time |
Price | *FREE |
Venue | Online |
Join Greater Essex Music Hub for a look at how you can prepare for an Ofsted Deep Dive in Music
The session is for Senior Leaders, Governors, Music Subject leaders (EYFS to KS5)
It will cover:
- What happens during a Deep Dive in Music?
- Your music curriculum in school
- Assessment, evaluation and reviewing provision
- How Greater Essex Music Hub can support your school’s music provision
- Time for questions and discussion
Following the presentation there will be time for questions and a chance to speak with music education specialists.
This CPD session is free to all Greater Essex DfE funded schools.
For further information on this event or guidance on how we can offer support in delivering music education in your Essex school, please contact, Sarah Goldsmith, Music Schools’ Curriculum Officer, by email or telephone 0333 032 1208